Celebrity Green

Another celebrity that I have come to love is Woody Harrelson. Woody isn't afraid to speak the truth, and I think anyone who is actively trying to educate others about living "greener" and more simply deserves respect. I first learned of his activism when I found the documentary "Go Further" on Netflix. The film shows Woody's bicycle trek down the West Coast. He makes stops along the way to educate students and anyone else who will listen about bio diesel, the sustainable uses of hemp, deforestation, raw foodism, and more. There are tons of "extras" on the DVD, including a little clip of Julia Butterfly Hill, whom I also admire. You can check out more of his work at his website, Voice Yourself. If you decide to watch the movie...you will also love the companion book, To Go Further: A Guide to Simple Organic Living. It's a favorite on my bookshelf.
These all look interesting... any resources you've found with an evangelical underpinning? I'm always on the lookout for those.
Hi Sara~
I just got mine too. I read it from cover to cover. Another fav magazine we get is Ode.
Have a happy day,
I am addicted to your blogs! They are so beautifully written that me as a reader can acutally feel your emotions! it's crazy but more importantly it's encouraging to see someone being such a great steward of God's creation! I mean the strides I see you and your family taking to protect this beautiful earth created so we could take care of it, are so great! It motivates me as a college student to be content with being broke and actually embracing that fact! Also it gives me a diving board to find other ways to use/do specific things by reading all the links to add to you posts! Thanks and have an extremely blessed day!
I really enjoyed the videos I got through the library called Affluenza, and Escape From Affluenza. I learned a lot from these videos, and ever since then I made my very first move towards trying to be kinder to the planet, and I no longer get my daily coffee at work in a styrofoam cup. One less cup a day in the garbage system. The photo from you post about trash reminded me of a scene from that video that has really stuck in my mind. I highly recommend these videos.
I was telling a co-worker about the Affluenza videos and she mentioned the Woody Harrelson video so I borrowed it from her. I was very disappointed in it. It just seemed too "hippy dippy" for me, too much "psyco-babble", and not enough solid information (I don't count constantly babbling on about blood and pus in milk as "solid information"). I didn't really learn anything from that video and felt it offered me nothing of substance or value.
But to each their own. What works for some doesn't work for others. But I would suggest you look into the Affluenza videos.
Jackie in ON
Hi Jackie...
I've been searching for the Affluenza videos...but can't locate them anywhere. I might just have to inter-library loan them...they've been recommended to me several times.
Sorry you didn't like Go Further...but yes, to each their own :) I am totally "hippy dippy"...so that's why I loved it. I am really interested in raw foodism...and they did a lot of talk that. And of course, there IS blood and pus in milk, but you're right, they really could have given more substantial evidence. I guess for me, it was more of a fun/creating awareness flick. I appreciate you sharing your opinion...I hope to see you again! I like it when people have opinions that are different than mine...it makes the world an interesting place. Peace!
I will have to check those documentaries out on netflix. I like to see celebrities--or anyone for that matter--furthering "green" causes. It's a responsible use of fame, I guess.
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