It's the simple pleasures in life that make everyday fresh and new. This weekend, while visiting with Matt's family...I realized that I had the rare opportunity to wash clothes and hang them OUTSIDE on the line. Oh the excitement! I've never had a clothesline of my own...so it's quite a novelty for me. It was a gorgeously sunny fall day, and I savored every clothes pin. Every breeze. Every piece of clothing was lovingly adjusted to look just right on that line. What are some of your simple pleasures?
I have always wanted to try hanging my clothes but have yet to do it...just looking a that pic makes me think they smell fresh! Now, we are in the UK from the US and the only people we know that have dryers are Americans...it was one of my first purchases when we arrived.
Indeed a simple pleasure!
Side note: are you growing dredlocks? I noticed your bandana in the new pictures. :)
No dreadlocks yet :) I wear bandanas all the time just to keep my hair back and because I hate "doing" my hair. I have lots of colors :)
a favorite simple pleasure is to get up when everyone's still asleep and have that first cup of coffee on a foggy morning (like today!)..just staring out the window, coffee-steam under my nose, bleary-eyed, waking up slow. i am NOT a morning person, but this is so fun for me!
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
No, seriously, my favorite simple pleasure is my head hitting the pillow at the end of the day. So comfy.
Simple Pleasures... I just love the sound of that, even... Listening to the rain on the tin roof...
A hot cup of cider next to a crackling fire ...
Soft Kisses on my eyelids...
Digging in damp earth...
Listening to my husband and kids singing,for no apparrent reason...
Flannel Sheets on cold winter nights...
I could go on.
I also SIMPLY love the scent of sundried clothing as it slips over my head!
my kid after he's come in on a fall day: rosy cheeks and smelling like fresh north wind.
knitting with my cat on my lap.
having a cup of tea and reading the newspaper - uninterrupted.
simple pleasure....
checking my mail, and finding a fun postcard from the one and only sara....that makes my day
simple pleasure...
watching lilli sleep....
simple pleasure...
a really hot shower
simple pleasure...
the smell of incense.
simple pleasure....
knowing that you are on the planet too....
love ya.
My son.
I have a clothes line and I love love love the smell of fresh hung clothes, and sheets and every thing else.
simple pleasures..............
1.getting into bed after a long day and reading before I sleep
2.making a very simple skirt from an old linen jumper.
3.my plants all over my house
4.my children beside me as I read to them
5.hot tea in my beautiful clear glass teacup with saucer.
6. watching the finch go from bright yellow to pale grey/brown as the seasons change.We have a finch feeder right outside our huge window in the dining room.
Ok,I'm getting carried away so I'll stop. These are not only simple pleasures but blessings too.
I just found your blog and have really enjoyed what I've read. You've given me a lot to think about. Thank you. CHeers! LA
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