Can You Smell the Knowledge?

Books. Aren't they wonderful? So much knowledge. So much excitement. I love them. It's no surprise then, that I love the library. We are within walking distance of the brand new Central Library in Des Moines. It's huge and fabulous. It even has one of my favorite local bakery/cafes located inside...and a Starbucks right outside the doors. It also has a great selection of new releases and other DVD's that you can rent for $1/week. Kids DVD's are 50 cents. And that's not all. They have a really cool kids section with all kinds of goodies. Almost the entire building is there is lots of light and you can watch all the happenings of downtown as you browse the titles.
Right outside, there is a small "stream" that Bella loves to play in. We spent many days there this summer...going to the library, grabbing lunch and a coffee and enjoying life. I get giddy walking in the doors...just thinking of the things I could learn. I love leaving the library with 10 books in my arms. In my mind, I'm thinking...
"LOOK everyone! I got these for FREE!
They are letting me take them home for 2 weeks...isn't that GREAT?"
It's even better now that we're Compacting...I kind of "feel" like I'm shopping. But I don't have to spend money! I've also been taking full advantage of the ability to "hold" items by ordering them online (they will go pull the books and have them waiting for you) and ordering from interlibrary loan.
Here is my current list:
Books Checked Out From the Library Right Now:
Learning All the Time
How Children Fail
Playful Parenting
Loving Your Child Is Not Enough: Positive Discipline That Works
The Successful Child
Books I Want to Read:
Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith
Photocraft: Cool Things To Do With the Pictures You Love
What Kids Really Want That Money Can't Buy
Small Urban Interiors: 500 Solutions for Living
Living Large in Small Spaces: Expressing Personal Style in 100 to 1,000 Square Feet
Small Spaces: Making the Most of the Space You Have
Where Women Create: Inspiring Work Spaces of Extraordinary Women
Voices From the Farm: Adventures in Community Living
Memoirs of an Ex-Hippie: Seven Years in the Counterculture
Superbia: 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods
Healthy at 100
The Bible
The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical
Blue Like Jazz: Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
The Power of a Praying Wife
Material World
Women in the Material World
Through Painted Deserts
Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right
Hungry Planet
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
Your Money or Your Life
The Total Money Makeover
Diet for a New America
Food Revolution
How To Go Further: A Guide to Simple, Organic Living
The Better World Handbook
A Woman's High Calling
How to Survive Without a Salary: Learning How to Live the Conserver Lifestyle
Back From the Land
Culture Jam
Radical Simplicity
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith
Interesting book list.
I like Power of a Praying Woman and Power of a Praying Parent too. DH has Power of a Praying Husband or Man--I forget which one. I love books, my daughter loves books, my husband, mom, dad and brothers all love books. I hope my son loves books and reading too.
Libraries are so pleasant! Our library has a storytime for the under-two crowd that we'll be taking the little guy to once a week.
Fun list too, it's given me some ideas to add to my wishlist.
I get the same sort of buyer's high at the library too.
So much non-fiction! I'm a non-fiction fiend too. :)
I don't know how many magazines you read, but there's a great, ad-free publication we've gotten in to lately called The Sun. Have you read it?
My library doesn't carry it, but our friend loans us his copies occasionally. I wonder where magazines fall in the realm of Compacting? A subscription would certainly be something new, but I would really love to support a wonderful, ad-free publication. Hmmm. So confusing!
so....did mom used to read to us as children?? I love to read too...and always have..can't figure out if it was mom and dad, or just us bein crazy.. anywho..
oh, def let me know what you think of all the currently-checked-outs. I have all of them on my list! I'm halfway through Playful Parenting, but dropped it in favor of a few others. (And Successful Child was as great as all the other Sears books.)
sigh. Aren't books great? And libraries?
Anything by John Holt is priceless.
I own all of his books. And just went to look at the bookcase and I bought all but one used!!
I'm telling ya Sara,I've got bookitis.
OH! Wanted to tell you I got to meet Shane Caliborne of An Irresistable Revolution this summer in TN. He is a beautiful humble man who truly has the heart of Jesus.
Definitely read Velvet Elvis! Check if your library has it on audio -- Rob Bell reads it himself and it's delightful. I've read it about 5 times so far, and need to read it again soon.
Just thought I would let you know I'm a new lurker and love reading your blog-
im glad you are getting velvet elvis, i know you will love it mama....lilli and i need to make a library run this only problem is that i keep them too long, and we all know what happens then....the library mafia is out in full force...hahaha.
I have a very short attention span so I never get to complete any book that I start to read.
I just love that red of a couch (?) beside your la-di-da book rack :-)
Oh, I do believe book shelves are inspiring! I love yours!
Have you read "Crunchy Cons" by Rod Dreher? I think it's great and you may enjoy it.
I don't know with your move how much access to a library you will have, but I enjoyed "Better Off" by Eric Brende - about an urban couple living off the grid in a Quaker-esque commune. Very interesting!
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